Cybersecurity Services

We Give The Best Services

The havoc caused by cyber actors on organizations, companies, and businesses can be very overwhelming. A few decades ago, there was really no threat to most digital infrastructures and workspaces. However, in recent times, having a team take care of your digital infrastructures and systems is vital and should be planned alongside the company’s needs.
Do you think of having an in-house team of computer security experts? It’s a great idea. But why not consider getting a group of computer security experts that can combat cyberattacks posed to your computer systems and infrastructures daily. Not that alone, cybersecurity experts conversant with the latest hack styles or threat forms used by cyber actors. Besides, getting regular training, resources, and expertise for an in-house team might not be cost-effective, hence the need to outsource. Are you confused about the cybersecurity firm to outsource your security activities to? Why not try out Cryptoggy Enterprise – your Ideal cybersecurity partner.
With numerous firms offering cybersecurity as a service, Cryptoggy stands out because we avail you all the time you need to manage other duties coupled with guaranteed peace of mind that all infrastructures are safe and at low cost.

Why You need our Cybersecurity Services

Updated software and Firewalls
Reduced cost of cybersecurity services
Ensured protection of data and assets
Full compliance with security rules and regulations

Services we Offer

Data Governance

We assist in ensuring that even with the large volume of data, all your data and information are safe.

Penetration Test

We make detailed assessments of the state of your systems and infrastructures and also understand the points of vulnerabilities with various tools and means. Then we strengthen and protect the areas of weakness and thus mitigate further threats.

Security Awareness

We seize every opportunity to educate your employees on the present weakness in your system security while revealing several ways to combat potential cyber threats.

Third-Party Risk Management

Multiple cyber threats and attacks can emanate from digital interactions with third parties services providers/vendors. We ensure your data and information are safe from time to time.

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Managed Security Services

We offer services like: security monitoring, threat hunting, threat intelligence, response services to cyber threats incidents, and many other managed security services.

Governance, Risk, and Compliance

We assist in making sure your organization’s information technology aligns with business performance drivers and in line with GRC. We do this with several GRC frameworks.

Why You Should Hire us to Protect your Digital Space, Systems, and Infrastructures

Client-centric Strategy

We ascertain that our client’s demands are met in quick time and with all empathy.

Round the clock support

We understand that there might be some QuickTime cyber threats, so we run 24/7 computer security support services to ensure prompt response to your queries.

Data Protection

We value our clients and thus honor all Non-disclosure agreements on all forms of data.

World-Class SEO Experts

Our experts use the latest tools and expertise to secure all data, computer systems, and infrastructures.

Affordable Price

We offer a realistic pricing system compared to our competitors and negligible to the amount lost in a case of cyberattacks.


We assist in the upgrade of firewalls and antiviruses and maintenance processes of your digital systems security solutions.

Cybersecurity Audit

A cybersecurity audit is a bonus we give our clients. We make sure that apart from the services we offer, we audit the website to ensure no loopholes for cyber actors. Relax, while Cryptoggy Enterprise assists your brand in making the first page on Google!

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Industries we Serve

In this era, all industries need cybersecurity services ranging from setting firewalls systems and antiviruses to complex threat mitigation protection systems. Industries like Finance, Government Agencies, Law firms, Supply chain, E-commerce, and companies that deals with sensitive information of finance-related issues need them more. Your infrastructures and data are safe when we partner with you on computer security issues.

Why not contact us today to develop your custom website.

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